Friday, September 4, 2009

Wrong information can really derail your motivation train

UGH!!!! That's all I can say. Ideally I should have had a 3 month evaluation from the personal trainer, but that never happened. August was a bad month between work, illness and motivation. I only got to the gym about 5 or 6 times during the whole month. I feel like I'm back at square 1. I did have an evaluation on Aug 31...
and I hadn't shown much improvement for 4 months of working out...
and then, come to find out...I am misinformed about the body fat/BMI numbers.
The body fat % is the only one, according to the personal trainer, that matters.
Not the other way around. So, while I'm getting excited at seeing the BMI number go down, the % of body fat remains the same...which is not good. It's good that it isn't going up, but in order to see that number get smaller, I need to do MORE
fat burning- that is, build muscle- exercises and less cardio.
Right now, I am so lethargic, I have NO energy to even WANT to go to the gym, much less do it. And I have been cheering myself on at the fact that I was going and at least doing the cardio... I was all psyched that I was working hard, sweating and
burning at least 400+ calories in the hour I was there.
Now it just seems like all I did was tread water for 4 months...very very very
discouraging.... and letting up for a whole month, I am even more tired now.
If this is what is going to happen...if I've started something that I MUST maintain
here on out, or I'll be even MORE out of shape...then I may as well quit now.
Is this going to be like steroids? You can't ever get off them or your body falls apart without them???????? I'll repeat it again .........UGH!!!!!!!!!

on a side note: my b/p was completely wacky at the beginning of the month- part of the reason I wasn't feeling well. I had to resume my old Rx ( with the diuretic )
and I have only had relief from the migraines with Excedrin. The caffeine does help,
but herein is the catch-22 with that bugger- it affects my ability to sleep because
it wrecks havoc on my hormonal system. The menopausal symptoms are returning, the hot flashes are returning and the caffeine is causing breast pains again.
I did show some weight loss over the 4 month period ( less than 5 pounds...let's all jump for joy{sarcasm} ) BUT ( and I do have a big one- haha) the inches are less all over- bust, waist, hips, thighs, arms, calves... so at least SOMEthing to show for my work... but nothing anyone has noticed or commented on. At this point, I'd
even appreciate lying about it... no comments at all- complete apathy- is THE MOST
DISCOURAGING thing I encounter.