Monday, July 13, 2009

The goal line is closer than I

I just found out that in order to get my BMI into the safe range, I need to lose
30 lbs...that is 20 less than my goal...That is encouraging. So my goal isn't as
far outta sight as I thought it was......
Ya know what's funny?
My goal is to get to where I was in high school- when I had energy/stamina-
Shoot, I twirled rifles in marching band and could march in the parades without getting tired!
Funny thing is...those days, I was convinced I was a fat slob who needed to lose
about 15 -20 lbs. back then... guess we're never happy with how we look, huh?
( and we all hear how these gorgeous models have low self esteems too and aren't happy with how they look )
Gee, I wonder what my cholesterol levels were back then? I didn't care what I ate,
and I cringe when I think about my eating habits......
Probably if I'd have had them checked, they would have been normal/good...
Go figure....

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