Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My cholesterol is going down- Praising God!!!!!!!!!!

I just got the results from my last blood work up-
My total cholesterol is down 23 points! Still not under 200, but
it's dropping and that's a good thing.

He still is urging me to take cholesterol medicine...I said
NO, I will wait and see what the next blood work up says in 6 months...if, after
diet and exercise, it still isn't in the safe range, I will consider it.

My tricylcerides are still within normal range but on the high end of normal
and have gone up, which is NOT a good thing and will have to talk to the doctor about that- I understand the good and bad cholesterol, but I don't know what tricylcerides are all about......will do some research to find out myself.

My good cholesterol is still higher than normal, but it also has dropped (which isn't necessarily a good thing or a bad thing)
Cholesterol Total
Was 259 Now 236 -23 Normal Range <200
Was 130 Now 147 +17 Normal Range <150
HDL Cholesterol
Was 58 Now 50 -08 Normal Range >45
LDL Cholesterol
Was 175 Now 157 -18 Normal Range <100

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