Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Doing it for Him not me

Okay I'm beginning this journey very slowly...this blogging thing is a new adventure too.
I am on a journey, I am walking with the Lord...along the way, it is my hope to lose some excess weight I have gained over the years...my ideal goal would be to lose about 50 pounds. I have already had words of discouragement and that is so very frustrating...they come from ones who either don't have a struggle in this area, or feel that I shouldn't be complaining because 50 pounds doesn't sound like a lot of weight to lose...UGH! it is for me...You see, I don't have a weight problem, I have a food problem...I eat too much of the wrong things and it is causing serious health problems- that, if left alone...will escalate...I don't want to wait till I can't exercise...
However, I am not getting on a scale and keeping track of my weight as a means of measuring my progress- my goal is to lose 50 pounds, but that is because for my height and age, and based on how I felt 50 pounds ago, I know that is a realistic and healthy goal for which to strive.
My main goal is to get rid of the stored body fat- thus reducing my BMI ( body mass index)- which seems to be a more accurate measurement of progress. It is this number that I seek to lessen, it is the excess stored body fat ( particularly around my midsection) that increases my risk for late onset diabetes, circulatory & heart problems- and it runs in the family so I HAVE to get this under control before I do irreversable damage-
So, come along with me on my journey...I am doing this as part of my testimony of what the Lord is doing in my life...I will depend on Him to see me through this.
He is already providing the way out...my role is to follow Him.

1 comment:

  1. I firmly believe if we can keep our desires for weightloss in the right mind set we will be more successful. By striving to be healthier, you can be more productive at living your life, loving your family, and serving the Lord! I'm proud of you for getting on the ball now!
    Also, to the naysayers who are giving you doubts, push those aside, and I encourage you to not be angry at those who say them. Often, we say things (especially related to weight) without truly empathizing with the other person. Truly understanding another person's position is very difficult.
    I'm so proud of you!
