Friday, June 26, 2009

seems like I'm back at start again

It's been very sporadic in being able to get to the gym for the last couple of weeks-
between a busy work week, and some unexpected interruptions due to keeping the two
older grandkids all week ( Adriane and I are tag-teaming taking care of them)
so we were able to get to the gym last night- neither of us had any desire to go, but went anyway- can't even say we felt exhilarated afterwards- I just felt tired and fat, not just tired.
I think if it weren't for us joining together, we're both at a point where we'd say "screw it" and quit.

Then I remember a quote I heard recently: A victory isn't much of a victory if it didn't involve a battle... using a word picture of winning a sports game- isn't much to brag about if the opposing team simply forfeits the game- sometimes I wished temptations worked like that though.

I'm not a shrink, but I think I'm battling depression/discouragement- which is the trigger for
my poor eating habits to start with- I feel like a failure and think "why bother" and so I become my own worst enemy.

This is where I wished I had human support. I don't even feel like I can encourage Adriane when I am such a hypocrite. I have a hard time cheering someone else on- not that I want her to fail, but I don't think she feels the support from me when I have the dark cloud looming over my head.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what I've done when i've hit the "why bother" part of the battle. #1. Pray that God will put you in the right mind set to effectively do this...
    #2. Make a collage of all the reasons why you DO bother to do this. Some of the reasons I had were: Lisa, my kids, my healthy, looking good for David, that I've never been thin, and I want to exeperience it...soooooo many good reasons to keep fighting! Even if you have to "fake" it for a while, keep going through the motions until your attidude catches up! :) LOVE YA! Keep fighting! ~Sarah
